Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Clara Boo - 6 Months

Clara is my adorable niece, you have seen her on the ole' Blog quite often. I having been "shooting" her pictures every 3 months. When it came time for  her 6 months pictures I was a little nervous, it was during a time that I was extremely busy with Weddings and other sessions and in the middle of that we had a mini-family vacation planned. But I just happen to have a very laid back sister in law (oh and brother too) that trust me when I say things like "Let's just do her shoot in Branson when we are on vacation". They never questioned where or when we were going to squeeze it in...they just shrugged their shoulders and said "Ok!". So, on our last night there we decided to do it...and my thoughts were to do it in the grass of the beautifully landscaped Hotel we were staying in. Well, it was like 107 degrees that day...and I am not even kidding. I think the high was 104 or something. So, I had to come up with a plan B. Shooting in a Hotel room which wasn't very big and was decorated in mauve...not my ideal local. :) I improvised....made the room as dark as I could, had the only light coming in from the window and sat her in her Bumbo seat (love those things!).
What I got was a completely black back-drop and beautiful light on sweet Clara's face. LOVE how these turned out.

She was being kind of serious, usually a very smiley girl....but I LOVE serious looks on babies. You can truly take in how precious their little facial features are.

A TOTAL Clara face :)

Another Clara her!

I know Jess is so sick of hearing this, but this child is my little brothers clone. I am on a mission to find a picture of him around this will freak your freak out!

We snuck outside for just a few minutes, it had cooled off some....but rain was on it's way.
Here is Clara with her beautiful momma :)

 LOVE this one!

And here she is with her big sis Kearsten. I know this sounds like I am bragging....but we have some amazing eyes in my family ;) These two are a perfect example of that.

I can't wait until 9 months baby girl!
I love you sooooo much!!!
Aunt Lisa


Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE them all!!! :) THANKS sooo much!!! xoxoxox


Kelly said...

LOVE Them, absolutely amazing!!! Boy are they lucky to have such an amazing photog in the family. I am crazy about the one Mommy and Clara.