Monday, April 30, 2012

A Birthday Cake Smashing Good Time!

Love this family!!! Love these parents who are always so enjoyable to spend time with...who are very "real" and  again, the type of people I could totally  hang out with. These kids...oh how I adore these two. So cute, so loving.
Ok, so I have to tell you my favorite quote of the day. There was going to be a "cake smash" in honor of "B" man turning ONE. His big sister was just so excited about this cake, as we were walking to our destination for all of this cake smashing fun she says "Ok, who is ready to get a messy face with me?!?" It cracked me up, every time I see her she says something else that has me grinning all day. Seriously Jody, you have to write this stuff down.
Anyway, here is one of my very favorite families in all their adorable goodness.....Enjoy!!

Of course, you know I loved every second. And I love that you grabbed the diabetic cake, 
because that was all that was left at 10:00 the night before. :) :) :) 
 You are so much like
me Jody, cracks me up!!
You guys are the best!!!
Big Big Hugs!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That has to be one of the best cake smashes EVER!!! Great job my friend! These will for sure go on the video that is shown at his wedding :) Oh, and his family is just beautiful!