Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kids & Dogs....a combo I LOVE :)

Here is the back story on this shoot. My BFF Mary's boyfriend Craig's mom Donna (did I loose you yet?? :)  ) wanted to have a shoot of her dogs (she has 6) with the Grand kids. Craig has three boys and also Mary's daughter (who is my gorgeous Goddaughter). I was a little intimidated thinking about working with 6 dogs and 4 kids under the age of 12. But I have heard so much about Craig's mom Donna and the amazing work she does with dogs, I knew her pups would be easy....and how could I pass up a chance to work with kids and dogs. I love them both!!

So I headed out to Craig's parents house and immediately felt so at home, such kind and welcoming people. The dogs were beautiful and well behaved...the kids were of course awesome! I flew through the shoot in 45 minutes...unbelievable. I was so shocked, but it was a smooth as silk. Love!!

Here are just a few highlights from our time together....

That is Craig and his baby ;)

Yep, and if you believe me...I got more than one of all kids and all dogs looking at me. Patting myself on the back as I type this ;) Honestly, it was all them...just good luck on my part :)

Favorite!! I have to tell you the few I snapped of the kids walking the dogs on the top of this hill crest were just beautiful. I want to go and do a whole session there...amazing light.

So Craig's mom is pretty amazing. She cares for neonatal puppies until they are old enough to go into foster homes. The puppies are brand new...sometimes just days old. Most of dumped some place, like this little guy. He and his brothers and sisters were found at a campsite. The amount of work that goes into bottle feeding and caring for this little babies is truly unbelievable. Like waking up every few hours for a feeding...of not just one puppy but multiple. Donna, I think your a Saint!

So sweet!

Ok, so my girl Mary is probably going to kill me for posting this. She didn't really want to "take" these pictures. It was a Sunday morning, she wasn't in "photo taking" attire, hair and make up. But honestly, the girl looks gorgeous bare bones like this...this image melts my heart. And hello, how freaking gorgeous is my Goddaughter. And when did she grow up on me all of a sudden???
So, Mary girl...your going to love this image with all your heart 20 years from now :)

Thank you all for being so welcoming, I really enjoyed myself
and I had nothing to be nervous all were awesome!!
Donna, from an animal lover...thank you for what you do for these
abandoned puppies. I know they wouldn't have a fighting chance without
you. So nice to meet you guys and hope to see you in the future!

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