Thursday, September 8, 2011

I *Heart* this Family

Anytime that I get the chance to photograph my friends families...I love it. Well honestly, first I feel like I am going to throw up I am so nervous...but once we get going, I am fine and I LOVE every second of it. It is funny, I really don't get nervous anymore before a shoot. But it never fails, put a family I know in front of my lens and I am sweating bullets. :)

I am sooooo glad this darling family decided to have me take their family pictures this year. I have known them...well 5 years now. My middle daughter Emily and their oldest Aisley started out in school together, they live in my neighborhood. But even better is that I have been Aisley's Girl Scout Leader for years now. They are a fantastic family and I loved getting to watch them and their interactions from behind my lens.

Melissa & sure make some beautiful children!

I have said this before, I love taking a few moments and getting a couple shots of just mom and dad. You know how it is, after you have kids you never take pictures of just the two of you.
These guys are adorable....and the still got "it" :)

One of my favorites of the day....

These boys had me on my toes....I thought about going home and taking a nap afterwards :)


Ok, so at every shoot there are usually some kind of "outtakes". But these are by FAR the best outtakes E-V-E-R. I was cracking up editing these and had to share. #1 They are just so darn funny....#2 Melissa and Jim have an awesome sense of humor and I know they will get a kick out of them. Oh, and I included them on your CD guys :)

Ok, LOVE Jim's expression as he anticipates what is coming next. lol!

Melissa is still smiling her dazzling smile....Aisley I believe just took a foot to the head and Jim is looking at me like "Really, you thought this was a good idea??"

Melissa....still gorgeously smiling...but she is looking at him like "If you kick me, you will pay big time mister" :)

Yep, Melissa took a finger to the eye...still smiling though :) I love her!!

I had a BLAST with you guys, even got my work out in for the day :)
Oh, and thanks Jim for your super human strength as you pushed my car from it's
parking spot so that you could jump my dead battery. As I have said before "Thank God
I was with you guys" :)
I hope this make you smile as much as they did for me. Hope to do it again

1 comment:

Kelly said...

One of your top family shoots of all time!!!! Those sneak attack shots are absolutely awesome Girlie. They just made me smile from ear to ear, and what a great progression of them. Fantastic Work Lisa :):):)