Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Sweet SIX Year Old

Happy Birthday Riley.
Six years ago today my hubby and I got up and headed to the Hospital at 4:30 a.m. for my scheduled C-Section. My Anesthesiologist was also pregnant and coming off of a 24 hour shift (don't know how that is even legal) and I took one look at her and could tell she was dead tired. Well....THREE epidurals later....we were on our way to adding a 3rd daughter to our family.

Riley's birth was the most enjoyable and relaxing of the three....and since we had to be at the Hospital so early we had nobody waiting in the waiting room...she was our 3rd and it was 5:30 in the morning...and you know what I loved it. I loved that it was just the three of us.

Every year these memories get a little more faint...and it breaks my heart. I think that is why I love photography so can capture those beautiful moments in time....freeze them and they are yours forever.

Here is our beautiful 6 year old. Good Lord, she looks sooooo much like her Daddy.

The Silly Band craze has struck my house.

Miss Riley has the longest eyelashes......I am soooo jealous.

Geez how I love this child. I love her so much I feel like my heart is going to explode sometimes. When I come home from my "day job" she is the only person (and I have 2 dogs too) that stops what she is doing and runs and throws herself into my arms. She is so happy to see me and to be with me. Have I mentioned how much I love her.

Little Miss Sass.

We got to see lots of Koy fish but also some other bumble bees.

Showing off her "mad" jumpin' skills.

And then we were off to our next stop...Riley's favorite restaurant. DQ!
And she got her usual....vanilla cone with sprinkles.


Riley we love you so much. Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!

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