Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday My Sweet Baby Girl!

Riley you are 5! It feels like just yesterday that you came into our lives and filled a hole in our family I didn't even know was there until you arrived. How I wish you could stay little forever...but you are growing and changing so fast and I am in awe of you every single day.

You are beautiful and kind.....

Super silly and hilarious! Daddy and I laugh every single day because of you.

You love your sisters and cousin and they are truly your best friends. You would rather spend time with them than anyone else in the world.
You swear you are marrying Connor....and I believe you. He is the yin to your all are like "peas and carrots". I have never seen two kids play together like you do, never a cross maybe I will have some red headed grand babies with big brown eyes some day.

You love animals....which is so much like your sister Abby.

You are sassy and short tempered. You know what you want and you will not let anyone push you around....and in this you are so much like your sister Emily.

You love your Daddy....oh and me too...but you really love your Daddy. You are his little amazes me sometimes how much you two look alike. You have his big brown soulful eyes...which just melt my heart.

Your curls....gosh your curls. Strangers stop us on the the stores, just to comment on your curls.
When I took this picture earlier in the year, you said it was a heart for mommy. YOU my sweet baby...are my heart!

And you have a wicked fashion sense. Maybe it is because you are our third...maybe I am just too exhausted all the time. But I don't fight are the queen of your wardrobe and you get to pick out what you wear most days and most days you look like the image below.

We love you sweet girl, you complete us and this family would not be the same without you in it. Hope your birthday was all you wished!

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