Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sweet Sisters

These two darling still my heart. Soooo sweet!! I have a special place in my heart for little girls, being the momma of 3 daughters made me that way :) Watching these two interact brought me back to the time when my girls were that age. Gosh they grow so fast, seems like just yesterday mine were they are 13, 10 and 7. 

I got quite the workout chasing these two darlings around. But I loved every second of it, I walked away feeling like I captured some really great stuff. Even if they didn't sit still for long :) When I dug into the editing I was so very pleased with what we got. It was the perfect glimpse into how these two cuties are right now at the very ages they are at.

It was so nice to meet all 4 of you. Your family is just beautiful!
Thank you for spending your evening with me :)
Happy Summer!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

OMG, I'm in some state of pictorial bliss after looking at these!!!! I bet their Mom is showing these to everyone she has ever known, they are so incredible. Great job Lisa, you are such a Photoging Goddess :)