Sunday, November 22, 2009

A sweet boy's 1st Birthday

I was so excited to meet Sarah and her little guy Peter for a morning in the park. It was Peter's actual 1st birthday and I was so honored to be there to document the day. What I loved about this session, is I spent a lot of time as a "fly on the wall" and just let Peter and his mommy play. It is one of my all time favorite sessions.....from the candid/photojournalistic feel, to the awesome colors, the leaves everywhere and the incredibly adorable perfection.

Here they are...cute and snuggly.

I love this one....I love Fall it is my favorite time of year for photos, the colors are incredible. I love that Peter was fascinated with the leaves, he had so much fun looking at those and the million acorns that were falling on our heads.
Ok, seriously.....have you ever seen eyelashes like this....unreal!

Hey big guy.....I feel like he is saying "Hey you, look what I found!"


Yea, one of my favorites of the session. I love close ups!

And Daddy was able to get away during lunch and stop by to see his adorable birthday boy. Somebody loves his Daddy!

Aren't they so cute! I feel like this belongs on a magazine cover or something.

And Sarah, thanks for turning me onto this great park. Blackburn Park in Webster it!
Sarah and I were talking about how we were kind of bummed that the million days of rain knocked all the pretty leaves all the trees. But I couldn't be more thrilled with the colors and all the leaves on the ground.

Thank you Daddy! He got this big smile out of his boy...and it rocked!

Seriously want to pinch his cheeks...don't worry I won't...but I want to :)

I love all the special moments that I caught with mom and dad separately.

Sarah, you are so pretty! And I can see where Peter gets his amazing eyelashes from....I am so jealous.

If you couldn't see her amazing eyelashes in that last photo, you definitely can here.

Hope your birthday was perfect! Sarah, your CD is on it's way. Enjoy looking at the rest of the pictures of your beautiful family. Happy Thanksgiving!

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