Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kelly & Sean - Carlinville Reception

We headed to Carlinville, IL...Sean's home town for a reception that was thrown in honor of Kelly and Sean's recent wedding. The very cool part of this story is the reception was planned and hosted by one of Sean's best friends. Here is Sean with Tunday (I probably spelled that wrong and I apologize). I know Kelly and Sean were so grateful for such a great party. That is true friendship right there!

Back to the Bride and Groom....we hit the streets of Carlinville for some pictures. Carlinville is a VERY small town...but I saw photo op's every where I looked. I would of drug those two out into a corn field if they would of let me...but we settled for the town square.

The beautiful Bride.......

And her handsome Groom........

Lean into it Sean....he was such a trooper...they both were. I love this one!

A friend of the family made the wedding cakes...and I had to get this close up. She made each of these little swirls by hand. There were 4 cakes total and from what I understand it took her like 14 hours. What a labor of love and the cakes were so beautiful.

All four cakes.

A little shot of the "Bling".....

Ok, and I had to add this last one. I lost count by the end of the night of how many people asked if Kelly and I were sisters. It isn't the first time we have heard that. Kelly is my sister in laws best friend, so we have heard it before. So I said....ok let's take a picture with my new sister :) I think it is the eyes.....we both have those "Irish" eyes....and they are "smiling".

Kelly and Sean thank you inviting me into your whirl wind celebration of your marriage. It was such an honor to be there as your photographer but most of all as your friend. I wish you many many years of love and laughter!

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