Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Thirteen years ago, this sweet beautiful baby girl made me a mommy for the first time. First, I would like to point out that I haven't aged one bit....(I am quite the comedian). But really, this is going to be a LONG post...because this is my blog and not only do I love to showcase my beautiful clients families. But it is also a record keeper of my life, that is when I get time to blog personal things :)

Our wonderful 1st born turned 13 on August 4th. She was actually gone on her birthday with my mother in law, she was in Ohio having the time of her life spending the week doing her most favorite thing...riding horses. I missed her like crazy, I felt like a piece of me was missing going through her entire birthday without being able to see her. But as a mother, we make many sacrifices....and I knew this trip would create life long memories for her.

She is back now, and I swear she grew an inch in the week she was gone.

Our Abby brings so much to our lives....she is such an easy child, which is wonderful because her two younger sisters can be....well, not so easy. She is the type of kid that just does the right thing, and that makes us so incredibly proud of her. We love her somethin' fierce!!

Here we are.....within her first days of life.

And here she is now. I know I am biased because I am her momma....but gosh darn it, is she pretty! I would of been thrilled to look like this at the age of 13. And I just have to say, so glad she has her Daddy's lips :)

Every year when my girls have their birthday's, we do a little "photo shoot". I honestly don't take many other pictures of my kids during the year...something I am desperately trying to work on. And with these photo shoots, I usually let them pick where they want to go. Or together we come up with a "theme" that fits them as they currently are. Well Abby loves our puppy Noel about as much as anything on Earth, besides riding horses. So we headed out to Three Dog Bakery with Noel for a fun little shoot.

Then it was party time! We had a BIG party for her this year....you only turn 13 once. It was a great time...full house, but great time. Here Abby is with her BFF since birth Jacquelyn. Abby and Jacquelyn are exactly 1 year and 3 days apart in age. Jacquelyn just celebrated her 12th birthday, and her mom is one of my oldest and dearest friends Mary. It is such an awesome thing for us to witness this amazing bond between our daughters, especially since we have known each other for almost 30 years!

 And Abby's BFF's....such an awesome awesome group of girls!

Of course, I have to show the adorable "13" cookies and cake made by my friend Kelly of Kelly's Cakes and Cupcakes. She ROCKS!!

Make a wish!

So my super creative sister in law Jessica suggested I throw together a photo booth at the party. So we worked on pulling together some fun props...making some signs to urge people to "Get Silly" at the Photo Booth....and we sat my "point and shoot" camera there for everyone to snap away. People....you have got to do crazy things like this at parties. They are BY FAR some of my favorite pictures ever! Everyone got into it....the kids LOVED going and grabbing their favorite adults to join in. We will cherish these photos and they will bring us tons of smiles through the years. Just a few of my many many favorites! Of course had to start with one of all 3 of my girlie's....

If you read this whole thing, your awesome and deserve some extra
blog reader points :)

Abby Dabby Doo.....we LOVE you soooo much! So far, 13 has been
pretty awesome. I hope you continue to have an amazing outlook on life,
continue to be kind to everyone you meet.
We love you!!'
Mommy, Daddy, Emily and Riley


Jessica said...

LOVE the post!! and all the pictures!!! Hope she had a wonderful 13th birthday!!! <3

Kelly said...

OMG, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS POST!!!! It was amazing from beginning to end. Ab, you're an awesome daughter, and you have an INCREDIBLE MOM!!! Happy 13th Birthday :):):)