Thursday, August 5, 2010


Twelve...that is how old my oldest daughter Abby is...well as of yesterday. Twelve...twelve??? I have to say it out loud sometimes because I can't believe it. I can not even begin to get over how fast 12 years have gone by. As my baby sits on my lap at the ripe old age of 5...and she makes it really hard to type this tribute to her oldest sister. I stop and think to myself...sit on my lap all you want...hug me and make me mis-type it sweet girl because I am going to blink and you too will be twelve.

I remember the day I had Abby...the 15 hours of labor before the decision was made to do a C-Section. How extremely quiet she was while I was pregnant...she hardly ever kicked. This caused much panic and many hours sitting in a recliner in my OB's office having "non-stress tests" performed. Abby was just laid back...and she is still that way, she is easy, she does what we ask her to. Abby is so easy that sometimes all of our attention is focused on her sisters who aren't always "so easy". So we struggle with making sure we don't "forget her" because she doesn't need constant attention.

Abby has a small group of friends...she is one of those girls who doesn't need 20 friends..she needs 4 BFF's. Here are 3 of those special girls...they are all such great girls and Abby is very blessed by their friendship. We were heading out to the movies to celebrate Abby's birthday.

I try to take birthday pictures of my girls each year. I usually just pull them out into the backyard and snap a few. But this year I decided I would let each girl pick a place that they wanted their photo session to take place.
Abby is an animal it made sense that she chose Grants Farm.
I love this next series of 3 of Abby feeding the goats...that expression on her face is just so her.

Hello my beautiful girl. Abby is the only one who has eyes similar to mine...except her eyes are a little more green. Getting a glimpse of what I think she will look like as an adult.

She was super excited that she got to pet a baby Clydesdale. She is a in she rides horses and she is so extremely comfortable around them.

This last pic was taken by my friend and fellow TALENTED photographer Sherry Rosenberger. It is my favorite picture of Abby and I ever. It will be displayed in my home for many many years. I love her long limbs...and I love the fact that she is 12 and still snuggles up to her momma...that she loves to hug and kiss on me.

Abby, being your mom is the most amazing gift. I love watching you grow and watching you unfold into this kind and compassionate young lady. You make your Daddy and I so incredibly proud! Happy 12th birthday my sweet girl!

1 comment:

Sherry Rosenberger said...

You both are so beautiful! I love your Grant's Farm pics. So very, very sweet. Great post!!