Had to start off with this one because...OH MY GOSH...BEA-utiful. I love so many from this session....but if I have to pick a favorite (so hard to do) it is this one.

Let's go Cardinals...let's go...hoo hoo. Love the Cardinals jersey and how sweet is she in her little Cardinals cheerleader outfit. Can you tell they adore their beautiful baby girl?? I know I can.

So sweet......

I think I have said beautiful twice all ready...so how about gorgeous! Love the head tilt Liz. Your a natural :)

Oh my gosh, the grass is so green. Love it!

Yea, did I say...beautiful blues...this group was full of folks with the most beautiful blue eyes.

How handsome is he??

Giving his big brother a run for it....

I love everything about this picture....body language is key.

Yea, this one is pretty awesome too!

More beautiful blues....blue eyes and green green grass...perfect combo.

Ok, I am taking my kids to this exact spot next weekend...love it.

Meredith loved this cousin picture...I know how long the boys and Brittany have waited for a cousin...glad that I was able to capture such great pictures of them, they will have these to look back on in the years ahead.

The light in this one was just awesome and I think it went well with the sweetness of this family. Who adore being parents.

Loved it in black and white too...couldn't decide on a favorite so I posted both.

Favorite of this family. You guys are so darn cute!

This pose was the suggestion of Kelly Ferguson, my HUGE helper for the day. I think it is such a sweet pose. Thanks Kelly for the suggestion and your help. Watch out...I think your going to be seeing a lot of Kelly in the future...she is a blooming (very talented) photographer.

HOT Stuff!!

More beautiful blues!! Is she not the CUTEST!! I am serious, I could eat her with a spoon....and that is not meant to be taken literally ;)

And with her adoring Daddy........

With a big group like this it is sometimes hard to nail the perfect shot...and I certainly hope they think this one is it...because I was soooo happy with it. And I have it in color too...but LOVE it in black and white.

I was lucky enough to have photographed all of the kiddos in this group before...but never the adults. What a good lookin group, huh?? Thank you guys, I hope you love them...and I know that your mom will! Hope to take more of you guys in the future.